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ANIAI is born – Italian National Association of Insect Breeders
Torino, 1 July 2024 – The National Italian Association of Insect Breeders has been officially established (ANIA), a new reality that aims to bring together and represent the entire Italian insect farming sector.
ANIAI was born from the will of 5 important entrepreneurial realities in the sector, who promoted its foundation to give insect farming a common voice towards politics, of local administrations and research. ANIAI aims to act with particular harmony towards the agricultural and livestock world, in collaboration with sector organizations.
«The aim of the ANIAI is to be a common home for all insect farming operators, from specialized companies to insect breeders, up to the companies that use insects in their production chain" explains President Piero Mattirolo. «We want to encourage the growth and recognition of this innovative activity, by sharing the skills and experiences of all the actors involved".
Insects: a crucial resource for animal nutrition
The association has the primary objective of promoting and supporting the development of insect farming, recognizing its key role in livestock nutrition as an opportunity to meet the growing demand for alternative proteins with a view to sustainability and circular economy. Insects represent an efficient and sustainable protein source, able to contribute significantly to the food supply for meat animal farms, laying hens, for fish farming and in the near future also for human consumption.
An association of excellence
President Piero Mattirolo was elected at the helm of ANIAI, animator of the annual AgroInsecta event, and Vice President Ivan Albano. The other founding members, I'm Giuseppe Tresso, Fabrizio Lunazzi, Giovanni Andrea Ferrari and Michele Filippini, representing the first companies that joined the association, Italian Cricket Farm, BEF Biosystems, Cesac, Nutrinsect e Kinsect, realities already industrially structured on farms, capable of bringing experience and know-how on soldier fly to the association, mealworms, crickets and in general on all insects intended to produce eco-sustainable proteins, as well as on implementing regulations, training, European and international regulations.
«We are thrilled to have created this new association, which represents a fundamental stage for the recognition and development of insect farming in Italy" declared President Mattirolo. «We will work to further expand our membership base, promote research and training, and promote the role of insects in animal nutrition, an area of great importance for the sustainability of our livestock system. It will be our objective to connect the world of research with that of producers and increase the wealth of knowledge in the interest of the entire community".
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From the left: Ivan Albano, Giuseppe Tresso, Piero Mattirolo, Michele Filippini, Fabrizio Lunazzi, Giovanni Andrea Ferrari
In this space, topics related to the breeding of beneficial insects can be proposed for discussion.